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Xbox, PlayStation, and PC FAQ
NASCAR Heat Ultimate Edition+
Nintendo Switch FAQ
NASCAR Heat UE+ (Nintendo Switch)
NASCAR Heat Mobile
NASCAR Heat UE+ (Nintendo Switch)
NASCAR Heat Mobile
Next Gen Car Update
Steam Update - 6.29.23
Update and Current Status - 6.28.23
What content will the Next Gen Car Update bring to NASCAR Heat 5?
How much will the Next Gen Car Update cost?
Is this just a scheme update to the current cars in-game?
What areas of NASCAR Heat 5 will the Next Gen Car Update be available?
See all 10 articles
Patch Notes
NASCAR Heat 5 Patch Notes
What comes with NASCAR Heat 5 Gold Edition?
What comes with NASCAR Heat 5 Ultimate Edition?
What is the NASCAR Heat 5 Top Up Pack?
What is the NASCAR Heat 5 Ultimate DLC Pack?
Gameplay Information
Can I create my own character in NASCAR Heat 5?
Is there a paint booth and what modes can I race my custom car?
Can I do burnouts in NASCAR Heat 5?
How many tracks are in the game?
What modes are available in NASCAR Heat 5?
What racing series are featured in NASCAR Heat 5?
See all 9 articles
Online Multiplayer
Is there split screen multiplayer available?
Can you play online?
NASCAR Heat UE+ (Nintendo Switch)
Patch Notes
Patch 1.05
Patch 1.04
Patch 1.03
Patch 1.02
Patch 1.01
My race setting will not save. How do I fix this issue?
What years are represented in the game?
Can you play online?
What racing series are available?
Is this the same game as NASCAR Heat 5?
What’s new in NASCAR Heat Ultimate Edition+?
See all 8 articles
Gameplay Information
Can I do burnouts in Ultimate Edition+?
Is there split screen multiplayer available?
How many tracks are in the game?
Is there a paint booth and what modes can I race my custom car?
Can players create their own character?
What modes are available in Ultimate Edition+?
Patch Notes
NASCAR Heat 4 Patch Notes
Online Multiplayer
Is there an online qualifying mode?
Can an online lobby host pause the countdown clock?
How do I change my online car setup in NASCAR Heat 4?
How do I get online chat to work?
Can I watch an online race when I’m not competing?
Can I use DLC paint schemes online in NASCAR Heat 4?
See all 9 articles
Career Mode
Can I drive in a real driver’s car in Career Mode?
I’m not seeing any Hot Seat offers for the next series and/or can’t advance to the next series. What do I do?
What can I spend my money on in Career Mode?
Can I own teams in more than series?
Do I have to race in all series?
Why do I need to own more than 1 Chassis?
See all 11 articles
Gameplay Information
What are draft partners?
Are there day to night transitions in NASCAR Heat 4?
Can I do victory burnouts in NASCAR Heat 4?
Some Challenges are hard to complete, what do I do?
How do I learn the optimal race line for each track?
Are there any driving aids in NASCAR Heat 4?
See all 16 articles
Game Information
How do I get a refund of my purchase?
How do I redeem the $50 race ticket voucher with my NASCAR Heat 4 purchase?
What is the $50 NASCAR ticket offer?
Is there a demo or Beta version of NASCAR Heat 4?
Where can I buy NASCAR Heat 4 for PC?
What systems is NASCAR Heat 4 available on?
Patch Notes
NASCAR Heat 3 - Patch 1 Notes
Does the Hot Pass include the 2019 Season Update?
How does the Hot Pass work?
Online Multiplayer
How do I change my online car setup in NASCAR Heat 3?
How do I get online chat to work?
Can I watch an online race when I’m not competing?
Can I use DLC paint schemes online?
How many times can I attempt to qualify or race in a Champions tournament?
How do I join or create a Champions online tournament race?
See all 7 articles
Career Mode
How do I train an employee over 85%?
How can I choose my manufacturer in Career mode?
Can I drive in a real driver’s car in Career Mode?
I’m not seeing any Hot Seat offers for the next series and/or can’t advance to the next series. What do I do?
What can I spend my money on in Career Mode?
Can I own teams in more than one series?
See all 15 articles
Game Information
Can I do victory burnouts in NASCAR Heat 3?
Some Challenges are hard to complete, what do I do?
How do I learn the optimal race line for each track?
How do I use the new default car setups?
What racing wheels are compatible with NASCAR Heat 3?
Is there a split-screen multiplayer?
See all 15 articles
How do I get a refund of my purchase?
How can I buy the game if I’m not in the US?
Are NASCAR Race Ticket Vouchers only available in retail copies?
How do I redeem the $50 race ticket voucher found inside my NASCAR Heat 3 box?
What is the $50 ticket offer?
Is there a demo or Beta version of NASCAR Heat 3?
See all 9 articles
Patch Notes
PC Patch #1: 10/3 PC Patch #1: 10/3
Online Multiplayer
Can I use my custom car online?
Can I do Stage Racing online?
How do I turn on cautions online?
How do I change my online car setup in NASCAR Heat 2?
How do I get online chat to work?
Can I use DLC paint schemes online?
See all 7 articles
Game Information
Xbox Data Loss Workaround
What can you do with money in Career mode?
Where can I view the game manual?
What do the different car setup options do?
How do I access the alcohol related schemes?
Will NASCAR Heat 2 take advantage of virtual reality (VR) hardware?
See all 21 articles
Will NASCAR Heat 2 be available internationally?
How do I get the SMI ticket offer?
Are NASCAR Race Ticket Vouchers only available in retail copies?
How do I redeem my SMI ticket coupon?
Can I play NASCAR Heat 2 on a Mac?
Is there a demo or Beta version of NASCAR Heat 2 available?
See all 8 articles
NASCAR Heat Mobile
Game Information
Can I delete my game and start from scratch?
How do I save my game progress?
My battery is low, are there any options to help save my battery life?
In-Race Options
What if I want to exit the race and start again?
How do I access the camera angles mid-race?
How many different camera angles are in NASCAR Heat Mobile?
What if I want to change my steering preference or other options mid-race?
How do I apply the brake while racing?
How do I accelerate while racing?
Menus and Navigation
What are the icons across the top of the screen?
How do I change or adjust the steering?
How do I change my profile name?
What can I change in the Options menu?
Fan Packs
Is there anything else special about Fan Packs?
Can I upgrade my Fan Pack car?
Can I race as my favorite driver?
Level Progression
What happens when I finish the season?
How do I upgrade my car’s parts?
I’m having trouble reaching the front and/or completing Challenges. What do I do?
What if I don’t earn all 3 Stars for a particular race?
Where can I see how many Stars I’ve earned?
How do I earn Stars?
See all 7 articles
I made an in-game purchase but did not receive anything. What do I do?
I experienced a glitch or bug. What do I do?
What devices can I use to play NASCAR Heat Mobile?
Racing Resources
What are the fuel cans and how do I obtain more fuel?
Where can I spend my gold?
Where can I spend my in-game cash?
How do I earn gold?
How do I earn in-game cash?
The Fan Zone
How do I earn gold?
Can I collect money from my Facebook friends?
I’ve run out of room in my Fan Zone and I can’t place any more buildings. What do I do?
What are the blue exclamation points I see while I’m in my Fan Zone?
How do I move, rotate, or delete buildings in my Fan Zone?
How do I place buildings in my Fan Zone?
See all 10 articles