How do I get a refund of my purchase?
We cannot process refunds. Please contact the retailer where the game wa...
How can I buy the game if I’m not in the US?
NASCAR Heat 3 is available internationally on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, a...
Are NASCAR Race Ticket Vouchers only available in retail copies?
Yes. Ticket Vouchers can only be obtained by purchasing retail copies of...
How do I redeem the $50 race ticket voucher found inside my NASCAR Heat 3 box?
Go to and enter your code. You will be asked to ent...
What is the $50 ticket offer?
If you purchase a retail, boxed version of NASCAR Heat 3, you will recei...
Is there a demo or Beta version of NASCAR Heat 3?
No, there is no Beta version of NASCAR Heat 3.
What systems is NASCAR Heat 3 available on?
NASCAR Heat 3 is available on Xbox One, Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, PlayS...
Where can I buy NASCAR Heat 3?
NASCAR Heat 3 is available on PC via the Steam platform:
Where can I buy NASCAR Heat 3 on PC?
NASCAR Heat 3 is available on PC via the Steam platform: